Book Review Info

Kristina | nw.reader | Truborn Creator


đź’€ Horror Enthusiast
đź’€ Book Reviewer
đź’€ Graphic Designer | Collaborator
đź’€ Small Business Owner

Hello! Welcome to my page.

I am a fan of horror and designing things. I am also an avid reader though it’s been tough to have the free time to read as much as I want since I’m a SAHM to a 4 year old.


I am always open to reviewing (most) books BUT I CANNOT guarantee to you that I will be able to read and review a book in a “timely” manner. Like most people, I am busy so it wouldn’t be fair for me or you if you are having expectations that I physically/mentally can meet.

I also would like to say that I have an extensive reviews needed list right now so that might mean I won’t be able to get to your book quickly.

Also, as for the genres that are not of my interests are sci-fi, fantasy, YA, some romance and historical fiction. I am not part of the ideal audience for these genres so please don’t ask–I’ll decline.

If I do review your book or agree to, it doesn’t mean I will make a special post on my social media accounts featuring it. I usually will make those if I have the time to BUT I will most likely mention it in a wrap-up video and on Goodreads/Amazon.

If you have any questions, just email me.

I’m currently not taking physical copies for review–I don’t have any space.